What Is Chromium And Difference Between Chrome And Chromium

What Is Chromium And Difference Between Chrome And Chromium
Chrome vs Chromium
➤What Is Chromium And Difference Between Chrome And Chromium

So, guys, who don't know about these two apps chrome and chromium, both are developed by Google. And we know both of these two apps. But the problem is that we don't know which is better and which is secure. I think everybody knows Chrome and also trust this app but hardly know about Chromium. So today I explain both apps and which is better for you. So read this article till the end.

➤What Is Chromium?

Chromium is actually an open-source browser that provides you safer, faster, more stable and user-friendly for all users to experience the web.

A bit of difference between them is that chroma is based on chromium. And Google also adds some features like auto-update and supports for additional video formats.

What Is Chromium And Difference Between Chrome And Chromium
Source: Google

What Is Chrome Browser?

Chrome Browser is a cross-platform web developer which was developed by Google. It was released on 2nd September 2008.

First, it was used only for Microsoft Windows but later it was ported to Linux, mac-OS, iOS and Android. It is the main component of Chrome OS.

What Is Chromium And Difference Between Chrome And Chromium
Source: Google

What is the difference between Chrome and Chromium?

⚫ First of all Chrome and Chromium are web browser developed by Google. If there is a difference between both Chrome and Chromium browsers, there will be very few differences because they are almost similar.

⚫ The difference between these two browsers is that the features Chrome has provided in the browser are also Chromium browser, and Chromium browser has more features than the Chrome browser.

⚫ And Second difference is that Chrome can send crash reports and usage statistics to Google but Chromium can't do that. In Chrome, that collection is off by default. Chromium, on the other hand, lacks the features entirely. Chrome can collect all ranges from where users click to the device's operating system. 

Should I Installed Chromium Browser?

Yes, you can use Chromium as your default browser even Chrome Browser, because you know that it was developed by Google, so you can trust it.
But, You should also use Chromium Browser carefully even in all browsers and apps, because when you use third-party apps or web site, you want different permissions, then you should think about those permissions.

When you use a website, first check that the URL does not have HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) or HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). If the web browser's URL is HTTPS, you can use it without worry. And if there is the only HTTP, then your data is likely to be stolen. So you should always be cautious when using a third-party app or website. 

RELATEDHow to Secure Gmail/Google Account From Being Hacked.

How I Download Chromium or Chrome Browser? 

Ooh! It's an easy process that you can download and install on your pc, laptop, and other devices. Just download and install like other software installation and its offline installation process.

Click here for downloading Chrome Browser.
Click here for downloading Chromium Browser.

So here we explain what is chrome and chromium and also explain the difference between chrome and chromium. I hope you like this article and appreciate this post. So any queries feel free and ask a question here.

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